SEMILAB SE Series are state of the art, cost effective ellipsometers addressing semiconductor More-than-Moore, III-V (GaN, InGaAs), Micro (O)LED industry. With more than 30 years of experience in ellipsometry, SEMILAB offers an extensive application knowledge and library to support start production and long-term development.
Rapid non-contact and non-destructive FTIR inspection system (configured with reflection and transmission measurement option) for epitaxial thickness, dielectric composition and high dopant concentration measurement for wafer maker and IC manufacturer industry.
The Semilab AMS IR family of products uses proprietary model-based infrared reflectometry to measure thickness, depth and parameters of etched and recess filled trench structures with nanometer precision. It can also measure epitaxial layer thickness with angstrom precision even at 30 nm and below.
The SEIR uses proprietary model-based infrared reflectometry (MBIR) and Spectroscopic Ellipsome-try (SE) technology to deliver high throughput, low COO, non-contact, non-destructive measurements of the 3D geometry structures and uniformity of doped epitaxial layers and films used in integrated circuit manufacturing. The small spotsize makes the tool suitable for measurements of scribeline test structures. The unique hybrid SE-IR technology and analysis capability of the SEIR enables measurement capability of challenging structures and film stacks.
En-Vision is a new generation inspection system specifically targeting quick and non-destructive detection of nm scale buried defects. Buried defects are located under the silicon surface, invisible to conventional inspection tools (Optical / SEM), and when occurring in the active areas impact device performance and yield.
The PMR system provides a non-contact optical method for in-line monitoring of ion implantation processes of silicon product wafers for various device process flow types in the memory, automotive or power device industries.