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이 자동화된 시스템을 사용하여 장치 처리의 모든 실리콘 반도체 구조물에서 전도자 밀도와 전도율 프로필 전체를 탐색합니다. 측정 범위는 최신 응용 요구 사항을 포함합니다.

Features and System specifications:

- A versatile electrical technique for characterizing depth profiles from surface through any multilayer structures of arbitrary depth

- Offers high spatial and depth resolution

- The technology can be used on wide range of resistivities & dopant densities

The SRP product line can be used in the following applications:

•Resistivity and doping depth profile determination in silicon semiconductor epitaxial layers

•Process monitoring of ion implantation

•Real structure determination of final devices

•Measurement on patterned samples